Application Management Services

Kloden Technologies Application Management Services (AMS) is a suite of services to software Install base where Kloden Technologies provides onsite end to end support after go live.  This document is a reference for all services that will be part of AMS service.

Scope of AMS

Kloden Technologies AMS services will provide Level 1/2 support on site, Level 3 support remotely. Level 1/2 support will be based on customer’s premises and will be responsible for resolving issues locally as well as helping customer’s staff to escalate the issues with the defined process. All the incident management, problem management, change management and knowledge management process will be applied to Kloden Technologies AMS support and enhancement activities.

Level 1 Support

onsite staff in line with customer’s working hours provides level 1 support. The first level of support ensures that the incidents raised by customer are received, preliminary analysis, allocation of severity, resolution and properly tracked through the dedicated Kloden Technologies Support desk for the customer.

Level 2 Support

Incidents management is analysis and resolution of incidents/issues that are affecting the standard operation or behavior of the application and causing impact to the business. The objective is to restore or to find a workaround solution to restore normal services as per the service levels.

Level 3 Support

The level 3 support will work with Level 1/2 onsite and application defect management staff to resolve the issues that may require code changes. All the changes and procedure will be handled over to Level 1/2 onsite staff for implementation.


AMS Support Activity

Similar to any application, users may encounter issues related to or during the use of services.  As with any other application in the organization, incident calls will be triaged by the Service Center and escalated to the appropriate support group.

Change/Enhancement Management

This support level refers to any new enhancement or modifications request to the in-scope application functionality requiring any code modifications.


Our Business Analyst will co-ordinate with customer to gather the requirements for enhancements that warrant code changes.  An estimate of the cost/effort estimation and impact analysis will be done by our team to provide actual cost of the change.  We have allowed as part of the AMS scope to include effort for Change/Enhancement Request for up to xxx man-days annually.