Agile product development


Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Computer Vision


Micro ATMs and Payments
Bill Payments
KYC and Document Management


Smart NLP
Multi Language
Analytics and Database


Solution Architecture
Product Design and Strategy
Digital Marketing
Channel Sale

Skills and Capability

When it comes to product development, most product companies now outsource the work. It’s more convenient and cost-effective and it lets them focus on other core functions of their business. However, it’s crucial the project is still completed on time and within budget. That is where Kloden Technologies brings our expertise where we practices the agile methodology for their prodcut development solutions.

Agile software development requires a much higher level of collaboration between all parties involved. This requires an experienced partner with whom you can successfully collaborate with to develop customized software solutions as per your requirements. Your agile product development requires someone like us.




Frequently asked questions

Deep Learning:

Convolutional Neural Nets | RNNs | LSTMS | GRU’s | Unsupervised Neural Nets | Generative Adversarial Networks | Vibrational Auto encoders | Attention models | Transfer learning using most state of the art architectures | Parameter update schemes | Activation functions | Initialization Strategies | Normalization layers | Hyper parameter Optimization | Dropouts | Data Augmentation | GPU training

Machine Learning:

Simulation | Decision Trees and Forests | Gradient boosting | kNNs | SVM | Linear Regression | Logistic Regression | Time Series Forecasting- Holt-Winters & ARIMA | Clustering algorithms – K-means & Hierarchical | Anomaly Detection | PCA


Tensorflow | Theano | PyTorch | Keras | Numpy | Scikit-learn | OpenCV | Matplotlib |  SciPy | NLTK | IPython Notebooks

Computer Vision:

Classification | Object Detection | Localization | Segmentation | Saliency maps | Deconvolution | Image gradients | Image Optimization | Deep Dream


Image captioning | Question Answering | Word Embeddings |  Seq2Seq | Generative models | Text Summarization| rasa_nl

Big Data: Hadoop, ELK Stack, MongoDB.

IBM Bluemix: Watson Cognitive Services, Watson Knowledge Studio

AngularJS: ReactJS, ExpressJS, HTML5, Bootstrap ,css3, scss

JAVA: J2EE, NodelJS, Python

DevOps: Containerization, AWS Cloud, Ansible

RPA: WorkFusion Community Edition

Smart NLP: Input Data and our Algorithm will provide insights into customer queries.

Omni Channel: Host your BOT on multiple channels like Facebook and many others

Cognitive Framework: Deep Learning & Word Vectors to ensure High Accuracy

Multilingual: Multilingual BOT to help respond to customers in their language

Hybrid Chat Support: Hybrid Chat to Route customer queries based on sentiment context and request

Security and Hosting: Host your BOT on your cloud so that it is safe and secure

Analytics and Database:  Instant Answers from Multiple Databases with Built In Dashboards

User Access and Audit Trails: Audit trails for control of actions of BOT with Different Access to members of the Organization.

Following are some of the benefits of AI power chatbot solution from Kloden Technologies:

  • 24×7 Instant Response
  • Low cost
  • Personalized user experience
  • Reach Customer at their location
  • Improve Operational Efficiency
  • Improved Productivity
  • Knowledge centralization


  • Use ML to identify sold items that have higher chances of being returned
  • This can be used to deliver those items via cheaper delivery channels


  • Track and analyse order fulfilment data to provide logical reason why some warehouse/seller was preferred over other


  • Use data analysis and machine learning to recommend optimum price for products (in higher price range) without reducing sales

IMT: International Money Transfer as per Govt Guidelines.

DMT: Domestic Money Transfer as per Govt Guidelines

MicroATMS: MicroATMs to replace large costly ATMs

AEPS: Biometric Based Banking – Aadhaar Enabled Payments

Recharges and Bill Payment: All recharges & Bill Payments with BBPS and Other Platforms

Payments: Point of Sale, Aadhaar Pay, UPI, QR Code, Payment Gateway.

Reports and MIS: Live Reports & MIS Available

Document Management System: KYC & Other Documents to be stored